Improved plugins docs

by Γ“scar Otero

3 min read

Documentation is possibly one of the most important things for the adoption of any OSS project. No matter if your software is good and easy to use: if you don't communicate it well, most people won't spend time figuring out how to use it.

Lume was very clear about that from the beginning and a lot of effort was put into the documentation website. But one of the difficulties is to keep it updated with the new changes because wrong documentation is worse than no documentation.

Plugins documentation

Documentation is especially challenging for the plugins section: A lot of plugins, each one with its configuration, many of them depend on external libraries (like nunjucks, pug, etc.) which have more configuration, etc. Maintaining all this info up to date is a hard time-consuming job.

But Lume is built on top of Deno, and Deno is supposed to make our life better, right? (at least our life as developers). And it does! because Deno includes a Documentation generator thanks to deno doc, which can extract a lot of interesting info from TypeScript files. It's used to build automatically the modules' documentation in repository. Take a look at the options for the date plugin.

Deno Doc + Aldara

With this idea in mind, I started working on a tool to generate this kind of documentation automatically to be displayed inside the website. Most Lume plugins export the following two elements:

The idea is to use these two elements to build automatically the documentation for every plugin. This not only saves time but also ensures the documentation is always up to date.

The command deno doc --json outputs the info in JSON format, perfect for processing. I've created the aldara library that gets the types from Deno Doc, transforms the JSON to a more easy-to-consume structure and even completes some missing info with any JsDoc content found. Then, it can set the default values from the defaults object exported by the plugin and that's all!

The code do all this stuff it is very simple:

import analyze, {
} from "";

async function getScheme(mod: string) {
  const url = `${mod}`;
  const { defaults } = await import(url);
  const { Options } = await analyze(url, { maxDepth: 2 });

  mergeDefaults(Options, defaults);
  return Options.children;

You can see an example in the Minify HTML plugin documentation.


This is only the first version, there's a lot of room for improvement. I've found some issues in deno doc that I hope they were fixed at some point soon:

  • npm: dependencies are not supported, so the types provided by NPM packages are not included.
  • There are memory issues with circular dependencies (issue #303), so private types (those that are not exported) cannot be displayed.

Anyway, even with these issues, I think the plugin documentation is now much better than it was. Please, let me know if you have any questions or have found any issues.