Migrate to Lume 2

Guide to migrate your project from Lume 1 to Lume 2

This page is a brief to-do list of the main changes to make in order to migrate a site from Lume 1 to Lume 2. You have a more detailed description in the announcement post.

Change your (pre)processors

In Lume 2, processors and preprocessors receive an array with all pages:

// Lume 1
site.process([".html"], fn);

// Lume 2
site.process([".html"], (pages) => pages.forEach(fn));

// Lume 2 (async functions)
site.process([".html"], (pages) => Promise.all(pages.map(fn)));

If you're using (pre)processAll, rename it to (pre)process:

// Lume 1
site.processAll([".html"], fn);

// Lume 2
site.process([".html"], fn);

Change .page.* pages

The subextension .tmpl for TypeScript/JavaScript pages was changed to .page and it's no longer required for layouts. This structure in Lume 1:


In Lume 2 becomes to:


This is a simple script to rename the files automatically. To keep using .page as the subextension, you can edit the option pageSubExtension to the module and json plugins:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";

const modules = { pageSubExtension: ".page" };
const json = { pageSubExtension: ".page" };

const site = lume({}, { modules, json });

export default lume;

Changes in URL generation:

The url function

If you're generating the url of the pages with the url() function, keep in mind that the property page.src.slug was removed. Use page.data.basename instead.

// Lume 1
export const url = (page) => `/articles/${page.src.slug}/`;

// Lume 2
export const url = (page) => `/articles/${page.data.basename}/`;

In Lume 2, the page passed to the function has already the default URL applied, which is easier to make small tweaks:

// Only in Lume 2:
// Just remove the `/foo/` directory:

export const url = (page) => page.data.url.replace("/foo/", "/");

404 pages

Pretty URLs no longer ouputs /404/index.html:

# Lume 1
/404.md  => /404/index.html

# Lume 2
/404.md  => /404.html

To revert this, use the url variable in the frontmater.

Automatic extension detection

In Lume 2 the output extension is no longer detected from the filename. By default all pages are exported as HTML:

# Lume 1
/styles.css.md  => /styles.css

# Lume 2
/styles.css.md  => /styles.css/index.html

Use the url variable in the page's frontmater to assign other extension.

Removed flags

If you're using --quiet or --dev flag to run Lume, they were replaced with environment variables:

# Lume 1
deno task lume --dev
deno task lume --quiet

# Lume 2
LUME_DRAFTS=true deno task lume
LUME_LOGS=critical deno task lume

Imagick plugin

The imagick plugin was replaced with transform_images:

// Lume 1
import imagick from "lume/plugins/imagick.ts";


// Lume 2
import transformImages from "lume/plugins/transform_images.ts";


Both plugins works similarly but the data key used is different:

# Lume 1
  - format: webp
    resize: [100, 200]

# Lume 2
  - format: webp
    resize: [100, 200]

Picture plugin

The picture plugin uses the new transform_images plugin under the hood, so the HTML attribute name has changed to transform-images:

<!-- Lume 1 -->
<img src="/flowers.jpg" imagick="avif jpg 600" />

<!-- Lume 2 -->
<img src="/flowers.jpg" transform-images="avif jpg 600" />

Nunjucks plugin

Lume 1.x enabled the nunjucks plugin by default. It is an optional plugin in Lume 2.x If you're using Nunjucks templates, import the plugin in your _config.ts file:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import nunjucks from "lume/plugins/nunjucks.ts";

const site = lume();

export default site;

Vento plugin

This plugin is enabled by default. If you're using this template engine, remove the import in your _config file.


The functions search.page() and search.pages() returns the data object instead of the page instance:

// Lume 1
for (const page of search.pages("type=article")) {

// Lume 2
for (const data of search.pages("type=article")) {

The function search.tags() was removed. Use search.values:

// Lume 1
const tags = search.tags();

// Lume 2
const tags = search.values("tags");

The filter data was removed:

<!-- Lume 1 -->
{% for article in search.pages("type=article") | data %}

<!-- Lume 2 -->
{% for article in search.pages("type=article") %}

JSX plugin

The global object window.React was removed. If you have problems compiling your JSX pages, configure the JSX transformer in the deno.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "react-jsx",
    "jsxImportSource": "npm:react",
    "types": [

Slugify URLs plugin

If you're using the slugify_urls plugin, it also slugifies files copied with site.copy(). To disable it:

  extensions: [".html"], // To slugify only HTML pages

Netlify CMS plugin

This plugin was renamed to decap_cms. And the netlifyIdentity option was renamed to identity:

// Lume 1
  netlifyIdentity: true,

// Lume 2
  identity: "netlify",

WindiCSS plugin

This plugin was replaced with UnoCSS:

// Lume 1

// Lume 2

The UnoCSS plugin is not a 1:1 substitute of windiCSS. There's a comparison in this link

Feed plugin

The following options have been renamed:

// Lume 1
  info: {
    date: "=date",
  item: {
    date: "=date",

// Lume 2
  info: {
    updated: "=date",
  item: {
    updated: "=date",
    published: "=date", // New option!

Multilanguage plugin

The multilanguage plugin no longer allows translations using the .[lang] prefix:

# Lume 1
title: Default title
title.gl: Translation to galician
title.es: Translation to spanish

description: Default description
description.gl: Translation to galician
description.es: Translation to spanish

# Lume 2
title: Default title
description: Default description

  title: Translation to galician
  description: Translation to galician

  title: Translation to spanish
  description: Translation to spanish

Plugins options

The option keepDefaultPlugins was renamed to useDefaultPlugins that is true by default. This affects to the plugins postcss, markdown, mdx, remark.

// Lume 1
import reporter from "npm:postcss-reporter";

  plugins: [reporter],
  keepDefaultPlugins: true,

// Lume 2
import reporter from "npm:postcss-reporter";

  plugins: [reporter],


Removed /lume/core.ts. Import the Lume namespace in the deno.json file:

  // ...
  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": [

In Lume 1:

import { PageData, PageHelpers } from "lume/core.ts";

export default function (data: PageData, helpers: PageHelpers) {
  return `<h1>${data.title}</h1>`;

In Lume 2:

export default function (data: Lume.Data, helpers: Lume.Helpers) {
  return `<h1>${data.title}</h1>`;