Command line usage

Using the command line interface of Lume

The following examples assume that you are using Lume as a Deno task.

If you have Lume CLI installed, the commands are similar but removing the deno task part. For example deno task lume --serve becomes lume --serve.

Build the site

Run the following to build your website:

deno task lume

This command compiles your documents to HTML and save them into the dest directory (usually _site).


There's the deno task build task as an alias.

Start a local server

Typically you will want to open the site in your browser so you can start a local server by adding the --serve (or -s) argument:

deno task lume --serve


There's the deno task serve task as an alias.

This command initializes a local web server and starts watching changes of your site. So after changing anything, Lume will rebuild the site and reload your browser automatically with the new changes. The local server use the port 3000 by default but you can change it with the --port argument. For example:

deno task lume --serve --port=8000

To watch changes without starting a local server, use the --watch argument:

deno task lume --watch


Run deno task lume -h to show all available commands and options.