The fast & flexible static site generator for Deno

Run the following to setup Lume:

deno run -A

Lume is used by some companies and organizations like:

Supports any template engine

Create pages using Markdown, Vento, Nunjucks, Liquid, JSX, TSX, JavaScript, TypeScript, Pug, Eta… or add your own engine easily.

# Galician municipalities

- O Pino
- Tordoia
- Ordes
- Cedeira

Store the data in your favorite format

Store your data using static formats like JSON or YAML. Use JavaScript or TypeScript to get the data from a Database or API.

title: Galician municipalities
  - O Pino
  - Tordoia
  - Ordes
  - Cedeira

Process HTML pages and assets

Processors can compile and optimize assets like CSS or JavaScript. They can also transform the HTML code using the DOM API.

site.process([".css"], (files) => {
  for (const file of files) {
    file.content = customTransform(file.content);

Run your scripts and listen for events

You can create custom scripts like in NPM and execute them from the CLI or after any event.

// Create a script and run it after build
site.script("deploy", "rsync -r _site/");
site.addEventListener("afterBuild", "deploy");

// Or run arbitrary code
site.addEventListener("afterBuild", () => console.log("site build"));

And everything with a clean and intuitive API

Configure your site build in a single _config.ts or _config.js file with plugins and a simple and clean API.

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";

const site = lume();

export default site;

Built with Lume

Screenshot of the site


This web site

Screenshot of the site

Segundo Fdez

Personal site of the designer Segundo Fdez

Screenshot of the site


Design studio based on Lugo (Galicia)

Screenshot of the site

Frank Harris

Personal site of Frank Harris

Screenshot of the site

Prisme Analytics

Prisme Analytics landing page.

Screenshot of the site

Negrel's Homepage on the World Wide Web

Personal site of Alexandre Negrel

Screenshot of the site

Shrutarshi Basu

Personal site of Shrutarshi Basu

Screenshot of the site

Commonhaus Foundation

Non-profit organization dedicated to the sustainability of open source libraries and frameworks.

See more examples

What people say?

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