Lume CLI

by Γ“scar Otero

2 min read

Happy new year, Lumers!

2022 was a great year for Lume, it reached to 1K stars in GitHub and many of you have collaborated in form of pull requests, promoting Lume in your blogs and social networks or even sponsoring me. I want to thank you and promise to keep working hard to make Lume even better.


Introducing Lume CLI

The best way to run Lume is using the Deno tasks. It's the most portable way to run Lume without installing anything else but Deno, and it ensures that the Lume version is the same as specified in the import_map.json file. In fact, there's a plan to remove the CLI interface completely.

The only drawback of using Deno tasks is they are more verbose to type. Instead of simply running lume -s or lume run my-script you have to type deno task lume -s and deno task lume run my-script.

In order to keep using tasks to run Lume and, at the same time, having a more ergonomic way to run the commands, I have released the new Lume CLI.

To install it, just run:

deno install --allow-run --name lume --force --reload

Lume CLI is just a small script to add the deno task words at the beginning of your lume commands. For example, if you run lume -s, the CLI will run deno task lume -s.

It's an independent module, separated from the Lume repository, so it's up to you to use it or not.

It also includes two additional commands:

  • lume init: To initialise Lume in the current directory. It's like running deno run -Ar
  • lume ugrade-cli: As you may guess, it will upgrade the Lume CLI to the latest version.

Lume CLI combines the best of the two worlds and opens the door to removing the old CLI interface in the Lume repo sometime soon.