Lume 1.19.0 release notes

by Óscar Otero

5 min read

Lume 1.19.0 was released! Hopefully, it will be the last minor version of 1.x before the incoming Lume 2. This is a summary of the changes and new features.

Favicon plugin

The favicon is a common task we have to do every time we build a new website. It's not as easy as should be because there are different formats, sizes, resolutions, etc. The new favicon plugin was created to make it more simple.

You only have to specify an input file (by default favicon.svg) and the plugin automatically creates the files /favicon.ico, /favicon-16.png, /favicon-32.png and /apple-touch-icon.png and adds the <link> elements needed in all HTML pages.

As any other Lume plugin, the installation can't be easier: just import the plugin and use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import favicon from "lume/plugins/favicon.ts";

const site = lume();

export default site;

See the favicon plugin documentation.

Reading info plugin

This plugin was created by Jrson and available in the experimental plugins repo since a time ago, under the name reading_time. It's a simple plugin to calculate the time required to read the content of a page.

Due the plugin is being used in several projects (among them, this blog), it was moved to Lume repo and renamed to reading_info. The reason of the new name is the plugin not only returns the time, but also other interesting info like the number of words. Maybe we can include more interesting info in the future, let me know your suggestions.

It uses the Int.Segmenter standard function to count the words, using the page variable lang to detect the language. The data is stored in the variable readingInfo, so you can use it in your templates in this way:

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>{{ readingInfo.words }} words / {{ readingInfo.minutes }} min read</p>

See the reading_info plugin documentation

Improved the picture plugin

The picture plugin has received many improvements and bug fixes. The most notable:

Changed the src value of the original img element

In previous versions, the src value of the img element referred to the original image. But this image isn't always exported so it returns a 404 error. As of Lume 1.19, the last source element will be used as the value for the img:

<!-- Source code -->
<img src="/images/test.jpg" imagick="jpg webp 600">

<!-- Previous output: -->
  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.webp" type="image/webp">
  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.jpg" type="image/jpeg">
  <img src="/images/test.jpg">

<!-- New output: -->
  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.webp" type="image/webp">
  <img src="/images/test-600w.jpg">

Formats sorted automatically

In the previous version, the source elements were created in the same order as defined in the imagick attribute. For example:

<img src="/images/test.jpg" imagick="jpg webp avif 600">

This outputs the source elements in the same order (jpg, webp and avif):

  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.jpg" type="image/jpeg">
  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.webp" type="image/webp">
  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.avif" type="image/avif">
  <img src="/images/test.jpg">

Because jpg is a format widely supported, it will be choosen by all browsers because it's the first in the list, even if better formats like webp or avif are there. As of Lume 1.19 the formats are sorted automatically. By default the order is: jxl, avif, webp, png, jpg (from the most modern to the most supported). So the new output is:

  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.avif" type="image/avif">
  <source srcset="/images/test-600w.webp" type="image/webp">
  <img src="/images/test-600w.jpg">

Allow to define only formats

From now on, the imagick attribute can have only formats, sizes are no longer mandatory. It's useful if you don't want to resize the image, just provide different formats:

<!-- Source code -->
<img src="/images/test.jpg" imagick="avif jpg webp">

<!-- Ouputs: -->
  <source srcset="/images/test.avif" type="image/avif">
  <source srcset="/images/test.webp" type="image/webp">
  <img src="/images/test.jpg">

Don't create a new picture just for one source

If the image has only one format, no picture element will be created:

<!-- Source code -->
<img src="/images/test.jpg" imagick="avif 300">

<!-- Previous output: -->
  <source srcset="/images/test-300.avif" type="image/avif">
  <img src="/images/test.jpg">

<!-- New ouput: -->
<img src="/images/test-300.avif">

Support for size attribute

The plugin now supports the size attribute:

<!-- Source code -->
<img src="img.png" imagick="avif png 100@2" sizes="(width < 700px) 100px, 200px">

<!-- Previous output: -->
  <source srcset="img-100w.avif, img-100w@2.avif 2x" type="image/avif">
  <source srcset="img-100w.png, img-100w@2.png 2x" type="image/png">
  <img src="img.png" />

<!-- New output: -->
  <source srcset="img-100w.avif, img-100w@2.avif 2x" type="image/avif" sizes="(width < 700px) 100px, 200px">
  <img src="img-100w.png" srcset="img-100w@2.png 2x" sizes="(width < 700px) 100px, 200px">

New functions to site instance


Lume allows to customize the way some keys are merged with the variable mergedKeys. You can see a detailed explanation of this feature in the documentation.

The function site.mergeKey() allows to define this value in the _config.ts file, which is more useful specially for plugins that register new merge strategies for some keys automatically.

For example, let's say you want to merge the keys categories using the stringArray strategy:

site.mergeKey("categories", "stringArray");


The function allows to create new pages dynamically from the _config.ts file, without having a page file in the disk. You only have to set the data object of the page, for example:
    url: "/about-me/",
    layout: "about-page.njk",
    content: "Hello, my name is Óscar",

By default, the context of the page is the root directory (/), so any shared data defined in _data files/folders is accessible to this page. You can change the scope of the page in the second argument:
    url: "/about-me/",
    layout: "about-page.njk",
    content: "Hello, my name is Óscar",

Now the page is scoped to the /pages directory, so it can access to the data stored in the /pages/_data.yml file, for example.

Upgrade pagefind to v1.0

The great Pagefind library, used by the pagefind plugin is now 1.0🎉. This new version brings new awesome features, but also some changes:

  • The option to configure the binary file was removed. The plugin use the npm version that downloads the binary automatically in the Deno cache folder. No more _bin folders!
  • The option indexing.bundleDirectory was renamed to outputPath.
  • Added the option customRecords that allows to add additional records to the pagefind database in addition to those generated by the output pages.

See the file for the full list of changes.