Lume 2.1.0 release notes

by Óscar Otero

4 min read

The first minor version of Lume 2 has been released, which brings many new features like a CMS, some new plugins, improvements, and bug fixes.


Yes, Lume has a built-in CMS to help you (or your customers) edit the website easily. You can read the announcement post for more details about how it works.

LumeCMS is a simple and framework-agnostic CMS that you can use for any kind of website. Lume 2.1.0 has a built-in integration to connect your website with the CMS and make content updates easier for non-technical people. The CMS is still in the early phases and will be improved with time, but it's pretty usable right now.

To configure a cms, just create a _cms.ts file with some configuration like the storage method, documents, and collections that you want to edit. For example:

import lumeCMS from "lume/cms.ts";

const cms = lumeCMS({
  site: {
    name: "My awesome blog",
    url: "",

cms.document("homepage", "", [
  "title: text",
  "description: textarea",
  "content: markdown",

cms.collection("posts", "src:posts/*.md", [
  "title: text",
  "tags: list",
  "content: markdown",

export default cms;

Now you can run deno task lume cms (or deno cms if you're using Lume CLI) and start editing your content!

See more info at the documentation section at the Lume website.

Redirects plugin

Nobody likes breaking links, they affect the experience of your visitors and SEO ranking. If you want to change the URL of a page, is highly recommended to create a redirect from the old URL to the new one.

The new redirects plugin makes this task easier: you only have to edit the page URL and indicate the old URL. The plugin automatically will create the redirect.

For example, let's say I have this page:

url: /about-me/
title: Hello, I'm Óscar

And I decided to change the url to /about-oscar/. The only thing I have to do is to save the old url in the oldUrl variable:

url: /about-oscar/
title: Hello, I'm Óscar
oldUrl: /about-me/

The plugin automatically generates the redirection from /about-me/ to /about-oscar/ using one of the available output methods:

  • Generate a page /about-me/ with the tag <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="/about-oscar/">. (The default output).
  • Generate a JSON file with all redirects, that you can use with the redirects middleware (useful if you host your site on Deno Deploy)
  • Generate or update the _redirects file, compatible with Netlify.
  • Generate or update the vercel.json file, compatible with Vercel.

For example, if your site is hosted on Netlify:

  output: "netlify",

More info at

Open Graph Images plugin

The new plugin og_images allows to generate Open Graph images using Satori, a library to convert JSX code to SVG. It also saves the URL of the image generated in the metas.image variable, so it works great combined with Metas plugin.

To create an Open Graph image for a page, add the openGraphLayout variable with the URL of the layout that you want to use. For example:

openGraphLayout: layouts/open_graph_image.jsx

The layout must be a JSX file exporting a HTML compatible with Satori. See the documentation for a complete list of all CSS properties and HTML elements supported.

/** @jsxImportSource npm:react@18.2.0 */

export default function ({ title, description }) {
  return (
        height: "100%",
        width: "100%",
        display: "flex",
        flexDirection: "column",
        alignItems: "center",
        justifyContent: "center",
        backgroundColor: "#fff",
        fontSize: 32,
        fontWeight: 600,
        viewBox="0 0 75 65"
        style={{ margin: "0 75px" }}
        <path d="M37.59.25l36.95 64H.64l36.95-64z"></path>
      <div style={{ marginTop: 40 }}>{title}</div>

More info at

FFF plugin

FFF is a front matter specification designed to be framework-agnostic, so you can reuse your data with a different static site generators, like Hexo, Hugo, or Lume.

This plugin can convert the page data to follow the FFF standard, useful if you use this standard with any other SSG and want to migrate to Lume (or vice versa).

More info at

Robots plugin

A simple plugin to create the robots.txt file. You can configure which agents you allow to scrap your site and which do not. For example, if you only want to allow Google and Bing search engines:

  allow: ["Googlebot", "Bingbot"], // Allow Google and Bing bots
  disallow: "*", // Disallow everything else

The plugin provides options for more advanced configuration. See more info at

Other changes

  • The plugins multilanguage and sitemap supports x-default urls.
  • Improved favicon plugin to use the SVG favicon in all browsers supporting it.
  • The transform_images plugin doesn't enlarge the images if the new size is bigger than the original size.
  • Upgrade date-fns to version 3. If you're using the date plugin, you will have to change the way to import the languages:
    // Old
    import gl from "npm:date-fns/locale/gl";
    // New
    import { gl } from "npm:date-fns/locale/gl";
  • The default behavior of the slugify_urls plugin has changed. As of Lume 2.1, only the HTML pages are slugified. Use the extensions option to change this.

And there are many more changes that you can see in the CHANGELOG file.