Git for versions

Use Git branches to create different versions of the site.

LumeCMS can execute git operations in your filesystem like commit, push, pull and manage branches. This is useful to create different versions of the site. To enable Git with the default options use the git() function:



Keep in mind that the Git integration needs your changes saved in local files. If you're using github or other storage methods that don't use the filesystem (like databases, etc) these changes won't be managed by git.

The available values are:

  • prodBranch: The production branch. By default is main.
  • prefix: A prefix for the the branches of other versions. By default is lumecms/. A version named v2 is stored in the branch lumecms/v2.
  • command: The command to invoke git. By default is git.
  • remote: The name of the remote repository to push and pull changes. By default is origin.
  prodBranch: "master", // Change the production branch