
Field to upload and store files

The field of type file is used to upload and store files. It display a <input type="file"> in the UI.


  name: "image",
  type: "file",
  uploads: "uploads",

Available options

In addition to the common options (see fields documentation for more info), this field has the following options:


The name of the upload entity used to store the file. It's a string with the format upload_name:directory. For example, if you have an Upload registered with the name images and want to save the files in the posts subdirectory, the value is images:posts.

  name: "image",
  type: "file",
  upload: "images:posts"

If it's not provided, the first upload value registered will be used. For example:

// Register the "images" upload
cms.upload("images", "src:images");

cms.document("homepage", "src:index.yml", [
  "title: text",
  "content: markdown",
  "cover: file", // The `images` upload is used by default

Save images in the same directory of the document

If you want to save the image in the same directory of the document, you may use the {document_dirname} placeholder, that is replaced with the directory name where the document is stored:

// Set a upload entity in `src:posts`
cms.upload("posts-images", "src:posts");

// Save the posts in the same directory (`src:posts`)
  name: "posts",
  store: "src:posts/**/",
  // Force a new folder per post
  documentName: "{title}/index.yml",
  fields: [
    "title: text",
    "content: markdown",
      name: "cover",
      type: "file",
      // Store the image in the same folder of the post
      upload: "posts-images:{document_dirname}",