Object list

Field to store a list of object elements

The field of type object-list is used to store a list of objects with the same structure. For example, if in your page you have the following structure:

  - name: Óscar
    surname: Otero
  - name: Laura
    surname: Rubio

Use a object-list field to allow to add, remove and reorder these elements in the CMS:

  name: "authors",
  type: "object-list",
  fields: [
    "name: text",
    "surname: text",

Store arrays without keys

Let's say you have a document with a list of objects, for example:

- name: Óscar
  surname: Otero
- name: Laura
  surname: Rubio

This document doesn't have a key to store this list. To configure LumeCMS to store the data in this way, use [] as the field name:

  name: "[]",
  type: "object-list",
  fields: [
    "name: text",
    "surname: text",

This is special name to make LumeCMS to don't create the key but store directly the array of content.

Available options

This field only accept the options name, type, label and description from the common options. It also accept the following extra options:


A list of fields that must be included in the object. It can be a string with a name:type format or an object if you need extra options.