Paginate Installed

Provide a helper to paginate results.

Options See on

name string

The helper name

options object

The default pagination options

size number

The number of elements per page

url function

The function to generate the url of the pages

each function

Function to modify or add extra data to each page


This plugin registers the paginate helper to create pages using an array of results. This is useful when combined with the search helper to create paginated results. For example:

export const layout = "layouts/post-list.vto";

export default function* ({ search, paginate }) {
  const posts = search.pages("posts");
  const options = {
    url: (n) => `/posts/page/${n}/`,
    size: 10,

  for (const page of paginate(posts, options)) {
    yield page;

As you can see, the paginate helper accepts two arguments: an iterable and an object with the options. The available options are:

size10Number of elements per page
url(n) => ./page-${n}The function to generate the URL of each page. It receives the page number as an argument.

This helper returns an array. Each item has the following values:

for (const page of paginate(posts, options)) {
  page.url;        // URL of the page, for example "post/page/1"
  page.results;    // Array with the results of this page

  // Pagination info:;         // The current page
  page.pagination.totalPages;   // Total pages
  page.pagination.totalResults; // Total results
  page.pagination.previous;     // The URL of the previous page;         // The URL of the next page

  yield page;


This plugin is installed by default. 🎉


If you want to change the default configuration, use the second argument of lume() function in your _config.ts file.

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";

// Paginate plugin configuration
const paginate = {/* your config here */};

// Apply the plugin config
const site = lume({}, { paginate });