Relative URLs

Convert all URLs to relative.


extensions string[]

The list of extensions this plugin applies to

[ ".html" ]


The relative_urls plugin converts all URLs in your HTML documents to relative, so you can publish the same site under different domains, subdirectories, or even protocols (like opening the site from the filesystem under file://).


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import relativeUrls from "lume/plugins/relative_urls.ts";

const site = lume();


export default site;


The plugin converts all internal URLs of your site to relative URLs. For example:

<!-- /articles/my-first-article/ -->
<a href="/articles/my-second-article/">Go to the second article</a>

This plugin changes not only the <a> elements, but any element with the href attribute (link, area) or src (img, video, audio, etc).

Modify URLs inside CSS files

By default, the plugin only checks HTML pages. You can use the extensions option to extend it to .css files.

  extensions: [".html", ".css"], // Fix URLs inside HTML and CSS files