Resolve URLs

Resolve all URLs pointing to source files.


The resolve_urls plugin converts all URLs in your HTML documents matching with any file in the src folder with the final URL.

For example, the following link pointing to a markdown file gets transformed:

Go to <a href="/">About us</a>
Go to <a href="/about-us/">About us</a>

If the page has a different URL (because it has a url variable in the front matter), this plugin will use it accordingly. It also works with static files that change the output directory.

The plugin also resolves relative URLs (like ../ and keeps any anchor or search query in the url (for example: / is replaced with /about-us/#contact).

A very common use case is a repository with documentation content in Markdown files. You may want the links to work in GitHub, but upon building the HTML site they change to the final urls.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import resolveUrls from "lume/plugins/resolve_urls.ts";

const site = lume();


export default site;