
Middleware to provide a simple server-side router.


basePath string
strict boolean


This middleware implements a simple router using the URLPattern standard. The first argument of the router handler is an object with all captured variables in the path, and the request instance:

const router = new Router();

router.get("/search/:id", ({ id, request }) => {
  const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url);

  const query = searchParams.get("query");
  return new Response(`Searching by ${query} in the file ${id}`);


This middeware must be used with the Lume's HTTP Server. To use it in production, you need a host running a Deno server, like Deno Deploy.

Create an entry point file (for example, serve.ts) with the following code:

import Server from "lume/core/server.ts";
import Router from "lume/middlewares/router.ts";

// Create the router
const router = new Router();

router.get("/hello/:name", ({ name }) => {
  return new Response(`Hello ${name}!`);

// Create the server and use the router:
const server = new Server();


Local development

You can configure Lume's development server to use this middleware in the _config.ts file. Let's say you have a my-router.ts file that exports a Router instance:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import myRouter from "./my-router.ts";

const site = lume({
  server: {
    middlewares: [myRouter.middleware()],

export default site;