Decap CMS

Run Decap CMS to update the site content

Options See on

local boolean

Force the local_backend option. By default is detected automatically.

previewStyle string

Path of a CSS file with custom styles for the preview

path string

Directory path of the admin (by default /admin/)

configKey string

Data key of the configuration

identity netlify

Whether use a identity method

extraHTML string

Custom HTML code to append in the index.html page

proxyCommand string

Command to run the proxy server

"deno run --allow-read --allow-net= --allow-write --allow-env npm:decap-server@3.1.2"


This plugin generates the code to run Decap CMS and update the site content in a faster and easier way in both local and remote environments. By default the CMS is accesible at the /admin/ path, but you can change it in the path option.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "lume/mod.ts";
import decapCMS from "lume/plugins/decap_cms.ts";

const site = lume();

site.use(decapCMS(/* Options */));

export default site;


Create the data file /_data/decap_cms.yml in the root of your project. See the configuration options in the Decap CMS site.

  name: git-gateway
  branch: master

media_folder: statics

  - label: Posts
    name: posts
    description: List of posts
    folder: posts
    extension: md
    create: true
      - label: Title
        name: title
        widget: string
      - label: Content
        name: body
        widget: markdown

This creates the decap_cms key with the configuration of the CMS. Note that it's not required to be a yaml file; you can use any data format (JSON, JavaScript module, TypeScript module, etc). This plugin will generate the pages /admin/index.html and /admin/config.yml to run the CMS.

Local mode

If the site location hostname is localhost the local mode is enabled by default. This means that after running lume --serve, you can go to http://localhost:3000/admin/ to access the CMS and make changes to the content of your site.

Keep in mind that local mode runs deno run --allow-read --allow-net= --allow-write --allow-env npm:decap-server to start the local proxy server for the CMS. You can change this command with proxyCommand option or disable the local mode, by setting local: false in the plugin configuration.


Lume is executed by default with all permissions. If you want to configure the permission, this plugin needs the following:

  • --allow-run=npm:decap-server
  • --allow-net=
  • --allow-env
  • --allow-read
  • --allow-write